Optimize update query
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Niels Kristian Schjødt
2012-11-28 12:57:49 UTC
Hi, i have these update queries, that run very often, and takes too long time, in order for us to reach the throughput we are aiming at. However, the update query is very simple, and I can't figure out any way to improve the situation. The query looks like this:

UPDATE "adverts" SET "last_observed_at" = '2012-11-28 00:02:30.265154', "data_source_id" ='83d024a57bc2958940f3ca281bddcbf4' WHERE"adverts"."id" IN ( 1602382, 4916432, 3221246, 4741057, 3853335, 571429, 3222740, 571736, 3544903, 325378,5774338, 5921451, 4295768, 3223170, 5687001, 4741966, 325519, 580867, 325721, 4412200, 4139598, 325567, 1616653,1616664, 6202007, 3223748, 325613, 3223764, 325615, 4296536, 3854595, 4971428, 3224146, 5150522, 4412617, 5073048,325747, 325771, 1622154, 5794384, 5736581, 1623767, 5686945, 3224627, 5073009, 3224747, 3224749, 325809, 5687051,3224811, 5687052, 4917824, 5073013, 3224816, 3224834, 4297331, 1623907, 325864, 1623947, 6169706, 325869, 325877,3225074, 3225112, 325893, 325912, 3225151, 3225184, 3225175, 1624659, 325901, 4033926, 325904, 325911, 4412835,1624737, 5073004, 5921434, 325915, 3225285, 3225452, 4917672, 1624984, 3225472, 325940, 5380611, 325957, 5073258,3225500, 1625002, 5923489, 4413009, 325952, 3961122, 3637777 ) ;

An explain outputs me the following:

"Update on adverts (cost=0.12..734.27 rows=95 width=168)"
" -> Index Scan using adverts_pkey on adverts (cost=0.12..734.27 rows=95 width=168)"
" Index Cond: (id = ANY ('{1602382,4916432,3221246,4741057,3853335,571429,3222740,571736,3544903,325378,5774338,5921451,4295768,3223170,5687001,4741966,325519,580867,325721,4412200,4139598,325567,1616653,1616664,6202007,3223748,325613,3223764,325615,4296536,3854595,4971428,3224146,5150522,4412617,5073048,325747,325771,1622154,5794384,5736581,1623767,5686945,3224627,5073009,3224747,3224749,325809,5687051,3224811,5687052,4917824,5073013,3224816,3224834,4297331,1623907,325864,1623947,6169706,325869,325877,3225074,3225112,325893,325912,3225151,3225184,3225175,1624659,325901,4033926,325904,325911,4412835,1624737,5073004,5921434,325915,3225285,3225452,4917672,1624984,3225472,325940,5380611,325957,5073258,3225500,1625002,5923489,4413009,325952,3961122,3637777}'::integer[]))"

So as you can see, it's already pretty optimized, it's just not enough :-) So what can I do? the two columns last_observed_at and data_source_id has an index, and it is needed elsewhere, so I can't delete those.

PS. I'm on postgres 9.2 on a server with 32gb ram, 8 cores and two 3T disks in a software raid 1 setup.

Is the only way out of this really a SSD disk?
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Shaun Thomas
2012-11-28 14:07:59 UTC
On 11/28/2012 06:57 AM, Niels Kristian Schjødt wrote:

Before I go crazy, here... you really need to tell us what "not enough"
means. You didn't provide an explain analyze, so we don't know what your
actual performance is. But I have my suspicions.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
So as you can see, it's already pretty optimized, it's just not
enough :-) So what can I do? the two columns last_observed_at and
data_source_id has an index, and it is needed elsewhere, so I can't
delete those.
Ok, so part of your problem is that you're tying an advertising system
directly to the database for direct updates. That's a big no-no. Any
time you got a huge influx of views, there would be a logjam. You need
to decouple this so you can use a second tool to load the database in
larger batches. You'll get much higher throughput this way.

If you absolutely must use this approach, you're going to have to beef
up your hardware.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
PS. I'm on postgres 9.2 on a server with 32gb ram, 8 cores and two 3T
disks in a software raid 1 setup.
This is not sufficient for a high-bandwidth stream of updates. Not even
close. Even if those 3T disks are 7200 RPM, and even in RAID-1, you're
going to have major problems with concurrent reads and writes. You need
to do several things:

1. Move your transaction logs (pg_xlog) to another pair of disks
entirely. Do not put these on the same disks as your data if you need
high write throughput.
2. Get a better disk architecture. You need 10k, or 15k RPM disks.
Starting with 6 or more of them in a RAID-10 would be a good beginning.

You never told us your postgresql.conf settings, so I'm just going with
very generic advice. Essentially, you're expecting too much for too
little. That machine would have been low-spec three years ago, and
unsuited to database use simply due to the 2-disk RAID.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Is the only way out of this really a SSD disk?
No. There are many, many steps you can and should take before going this
route. You need to know the problem you're solving before making
potentially expensive hardware decisions.

Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604


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Marcin Mirosław
2012-11-28 14:39:55 UTC
Post by Shaun Thomas
Before I go crazy, here... you really need to tell us what "not enough"
means. You didn't provide an explain analyze, so we don't know what your
actual performance is. But I have my suspicions.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
So as you can see, it's already pretty optimized, it's just not
enough :-) So what can I do? the two columns last_observed_at and
data_source_id has an index, and it is needed elsewhere, so I can't
delete those.
Ok, so part of your problem is that you're tying an advertising system
directly to the database for direct updates. That's a big no-no. Any
time you got a huge influx of views, there would be a logjam. You need
to decouple this so you can use a second tool to load the database in
larger batches. You'll get much higher throughput this way.
+1, sql databases has limited number of inserts/updates per second. Even
with highend hardware you won't have more than XXX operations per
second. As Thomas said, you should feed something like nosql database
from www server and use other tool to do aggregation and batch inserts
to postgresql. It will scale much better.

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Willem Leenen
2012-11-28 15:11:46 UTC
I assume that SQL databases ( Banks? Telecom?) can handle an used car shop. No need for an unstructured data tool.
Post by Marcin Mirosław
+1, sql databases has limited number of inserts/updates per second. Even
with highend hardware you won't have more than XXX operations per
second. As Thomas said, you should feed something like nosql database
from www server and use other tool to do aggregation and batch inserts
to postgresql. It will scale much better.
Niels Kristian Schjødt
2012-11-28 16:19:17 UTC
Okay guys,

Thanks for all the great help and advice already! Let me just clear some things, to make my question a little easier to answer :-)
Now my site is a search engine for used cars - not just a car shop with a few hundred cars.
The update query you look at, is an update that is executed once a day in chunks for all active adverts, so we know they are still for sale (one car can be advertised at several places hence several "adverts"). So it's not a "constant stream" but it has a fairly high volume especially at night time though.

A compressed version of my .conf looks like this (note: there is some tweaks at the end of the file)
data_directory = '/var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main'
hba_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_hba.conf'
ident_file = '/etc/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_ident.conf'
external_pid_file = '/var/run/postgresql/9.2-main.pid'
listen_addresses = ', localhost'
port = 5432
max_connections = 1000
unix_socket_directory = '/var/run/postgresql'
wal_level = hot_standby
synchronous_commit = off
archive_mode = onarchive_command = 'rsync -a %p ***@ </dev/null'
max_wal_senders = 1
wal_keep_segments = 32
logging_collector = on
log_min_messages = debug1
log_min_error_statement = debug1
log_min_duration_statement = 0
log_checkpoints = on
log_connections = on
log_disconnections = onlog_line_prefix = '%t [%p]: [%l-1] user=%u,db=%d '
log_lock_waits = on log_temp_files = 0
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'
lc_messages = 'C'
lc_monetary = 'en_US.UTF-8'
lc_numeric = 'en_US.UTF-8'
lc_time = 'en_US.UTF-8'
default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english'
default_statistics_target = 100
maintenance_work_mem = 1GB
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.7
effective_cache_size = 22GB
work_mem = 160MB
wal_buffers = 4MB
checkpoint_segments = 16
shared_buffers = 7680MB

# All the log stuff is mainly temporary requirement for pgBadger
# The database has been tuned with pgtuner

You might be familiar with new relic, and I use that for quite a lot of monitoring. So, this is what I see at night time (a lot of I/O). So I went to play around with pgBadger to get some insights at database level.
<iframe src="https://rpm.newrelic.com/public/charts/h2dtedghfsv" width="500" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="no"></iframe>

This shows me, that the by far most time-consuming queries are updates (in general). On avg. a query like the one I showed you, take 1,3 sec (but often it takes several minutes - which makes me wonder). So correct me if I'm wrong here: my theory is, that I have too many too slow update queries, that then often end up in a situation, where they "wait" for each other to finish, hence the sometimes VERY long execution times. So my basic idea here is, that if I could reduce the cost of the updates, then I could get a hight throughput overall.

Here is a sample of the pgBadger analysis:

Queries that took up the most time (N) ^
Rank Total duration Times executed Av. duration (s) Query
1 1d15h28m38.71s

2 1d2h17m55.43s
INSERT INTO "car_images" ( "car_id", "created_at", "image", "updated_at" ) VALUES ( '', '', '', '' ) returning "id";

3 23h18m33.68s
SELECT DISTINCT "cars".id FROM "cars" LEFT OUTER JOIN "adverts" ON "adverts"."car_id" = "cars"."id" LEFT OUTERJOIN "sellers" ON "sellers"."id" = "adverts"."seller_id" WHERE "cars"."sales_state" = '' AND "cars"."year" = 0 AND"cars"."engine_size" = 0.0 AND ( ( "cars"."id" IS NOT NULL AND "cars"."brand" = '' AND "cars"."model_name" = ''AND "cars"."fuel" = '' AND "cars"."km" = 0 AND "cars"."price" = 0 AND "sellers"."kind" = '' ) ) LIMIT 0;

4 22h45m26.52s
SELECT "adverts".* FROM "adverts" WHERE ( source_name = '' AND md5 ( url ) = md5 ( '' ) ) LIMIT 0;

5 10h31m37.18s
UPDATE "adverts" SET "last_observed_at" = '', "data_source_id" = '' WHERE "adverts"."id" IN ( ... ) ;

6 7h18m40.65s
UPDATE "cars" SET "updated_at" = '' WHERE "cars"."id" = 0;

7 7h6m7.87s
UPDATE "cars" SET "images_count" = COALESCE ( "images_count", 0 ) + 0 WHERE "cars"."id" = 0;

8 6h56m11.78s
INSERT INTO "failed_adverts" ( "active_record_object_class", "advert_candidate", "created_at", "exception_class","exception_message", "from_rescraper", "last_retried_at", "retry_count", "source_name", "stack_trace","updated_at", "url" ) VALUES ( NULL, '', '', '', '', NULL, NULL, '', '', '', '', '' ) returning "id";

9 5h47m25.45s
INSERT INTO "adverts" ( "availability_state", "car_id", "created_at", "data_source_id", "deactivated_at","first_extraction", "last_observed_at", "price", "seller_id", "source_id", "source_name", "updated_at", "url" )VALUES ( '', '', '', '', NULL, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ) returning "id";

10 3h4m26.86s
UPDATE "adverts" SET "deactivated_at" = '', "availability_state" = '', "updated_at" = '' WHERE "adverts"."id" = 0;

(Yes I'm already on the task of improving the selects)
Post by Willem Leenen
I assume that SQL databases ( Banks? Telecom?) can handle an used car shop. No need for an unstructured data tool.
Post by Marcin Mirosław
+1, sql databases has limited number of inserts/updates per second. Even
with highend hardware you won't have more than XXX operations per
second. As Thomas said, you should feed something like nosql database
from www server and use other tool to do aggregation and batch inserts
to postgresql. It will scale much better.
Bèrto ëd Sèra
2012-11-28 16:29:24 UTC
max_connections = 1000 looks bad... why not a pooler in place?

On 28 November 2012 16:19, Niels Kristian Schjødt
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
max_connections = 1000
If Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in a
darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music.
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Shaun Thomas
2012-11-28 16:54:05 UTC
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Doesn't this answer your question?

That iowait is crushing your server into the ground. It's no surprise
updates are taking several seconds. That update you sent us *should*
execute on the order of only a few milliseconds.

So I'll reiterate that you *must* move your pg_xlog location elsewhere.
You've got row lookup bandwidth conflicting with writes. There are a
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
checkpoint_segments = 16
This is not enough for the workload you describe. Every time the
database checkpoints, all of those changes in pg_xlog are applied to the
backend data files. You should set these values:

checkpoint_segments = 100
checkpoint_timeout = 10m
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9

This will reduce your overall write workload, and make it less active.
Too many checkpoints massively reduce write throughput. With the
settings you have, it's probably checkpointing constantly while your
load runs. Start with this, but experiment with increasing
checkpoint_segments further.

If you check your logs now, you probably see a ton of "checkpoint
starting: xlog" in there. That's very bad. It should say "checkpoint
starting: time" meaning it's keeping up with your writes naturally.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
work_mem = 160MB
This is probably way too high. work_mem is used every sort operation in
a query. So each connection could have several of these allocated, thus
starting your system of memory which will reduce that available for page
cache. Change it to 8mb, and increase it in small increments if necessary.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
So correct me if I'm wrong here: my theory is, that I have too many
too slow update queries, that then often end up in a situation, where
they "wait" for each other to finish, hence the sometimes VERY long
execution times.
Sometimes this is the case, but for you, you're running into IO
contention, not lock contention. Your 3TB RAID-1 is simply insufficient
for this workload.

If you check your logs after making the changes I've suggested, take a
look at your checkpoint sync times. That will tell you how long it took
the kernel to physically commit those blocks to disk and get a
confirmation back from the controller. If those take longer than a
second or two, you're probably running into controller buffer overflows.
You have a large amount of RAM, so you should also make these two kernel
changes to sysctl.conf:

vm.dirty_ratio = 10
vm.dirty_writeback_ratio = 1

Then run this:

sysctl -p

This will help prevent large IO write spikes caused when the kernel
decides to write out dirty memory. That can make checkpoints take
minutes to commit in some cases, which basically stops all write traffic
to your database entirely.

That should get you going, anyway. You still need more/better disks so
you can move your pg_xlog directory. With your write load, that will
make a huge difference.

Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604


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Shaun Thomas
2012-11-28 18:01:41 UTC
Thanks a lot - on the server I already have one additional SSD 250gb
disk, that I don't use for anything at the moment.
Goooood. An SSD would actually be better for your data, as it follows
more random access patterns, and xlogs are more sequential. But it's
better than nothing.

And yes, you'd be better off with a RAID-1 of two of these SSDs, because
the xlogs are critical to database health. You have your archived copy
due to the rsync, which helps. But if you had a crash, there could
potentially be a need to replay unarchived transaction logs, and you'd
end up with some data loss.
BTW. as you might have seen from the .conf I have a second slave
server with the exact same setup, which currently runs as a hot
streaming replication slave. I might ask a stupid question here, but
this does not affect the performance of the master does it?
Only if you're using synchronous replication. From what I saw in the
config, that isn't the case.

Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604


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Niels Kristian Schjødt
2012-11-29 03:32:11 UTC
Hi, I have started to implement your suggestions . I have a small error so far though. The "vm.dirty_writeback_ratio = 1" command rerurns:
error: "vm.dirty_writeback_ratio" is an unknown key
I'm on ubuntu 12.04
Post by Shaun Thomas
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Doesn't this answer your question?
That iowait is crushing your server into the ground. It's no surprise updates are taking several seconds. That update you sent us *should* execute on the order of only a few milliseconds.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
checkpoint_segments = 16
checkpoint_segments = 100
checkpoint_timeout = 10m
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
This will reduce your overall write workload, and make it less active. Too many checkpoints massively reduce write throughput. With the settings you have, it's probably checkpointing constantly while your load runs. Start with this, but experiment with increasing checkpoint_segments further.
If you check your logs now, you probably see a ton of "checkpoint starting: xlog" in there. That's very bad. It should say "checkpoint starting: time" meaning it's keeping up with your writes naturally.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
work_mem = 160MB
This is probably way too high. work_mem is used every sort operation in a query. So each connection could have several of these allocated, thus starting your system of memory which will reduce that available for page cache. Change it to 8mb, and increase it in small increments if necessary.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
So correct me if I'm wrong here: my theory is, that I have too many
too slow update queries, that then often end up in a situation, where
they "wait" for each other to finish, hence the sometimes VERY long
execution times.
Sometimes this is the case, but for you, you're running into IO contention, not lock contention. Your 3TB RAID-1 is simply insufficient for this workload.
vm.dirty_ratio = 10
vm.dirty_writeback_ratio = 1
sysctl -p
This will help prevent large IO write spikes caused when the kernel decides to write out dirty memory. That can make checkpoints take minutes to commit in some cases, which basically stops all write traffic to your database entirely.
That should get you going, anyway. You still need more/better disks so you can move your pg_xlog directory. With your write load, that will make a huge difference.
Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604
See http://www.peak6.com/email_disclaimer/ for terms and conditions related to this email
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Mark Kirkwood
2012-11-29 04:30:52 UTC
In later kernels these have been renamed:

Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-32-generic x86_64)

$ sysctl -a|grep dirty
vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5
vm.dirty_background_bytes = 0
vm.dirty_ratio = 10
vm.dirty_bytes = 0
vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs = 500
vm.dirty_expire_centisecs = 3000

You the option of specifying either a ratio, or - more usefully for
machines with a lot of ram - bytes.



P.s: People on this list usually prefer it if you *bottom* post (i.e
reply underneath the original).
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
error: "vm.dirty_writeback_ratio" is an unknown key
I'm on ubuntu 12.04
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Niels Kristian Schjødt
2012-11-30 00:59:00 UTC
Post by Shaun Thomas
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Doesn't this answer your question?
That iowait is crushing your server into the ground. It's no surprise updates are taking several seconds. That update you sent us *should* execute on the order of only a few milliseconds.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
checkpoint_segments = 16
checkpoint_segments = 100
checkpoint_timeout = 10m
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
This will reduce your overall write workload, and make it less active. Too many checkpoints massively reduce write throughput. With the settings you have, it's probably checkpointing constantly while your load runs. Start with this, but experiment with increasing checkpoint_segments further.
If you check your logs now, you probably see a ton of "checkpoint starting: xlog" in there. That's very bad. It should say "checkpoint starting: time" meaning it's keeping up with your writes naturally.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
work_mem = 160MB
This is probably way too high. work_mem is used every sort operation in a query. So each connection could have several of these allocated, thus starting your system of memory which will reduce that available for page cache. Change it to 8mb, and increase it in small increments if necessary.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
So correct me if I'm wrong here: my theory is, that I have too many
too slow update queries, that then often end up in a situation, where
they "wait" for each other to finish, hence the sometimes VERY long
execution times.
Sometimes this is the case, but for you, you're running into IO contention, not lock contention. Your 3TB RAID-1 is simply insufficient for this workload.
vm.dirty_ratio = 10
vm.dirty_writeback_ratio = 1
sysctl -p
This will help prevent large IO write spikes caused when the kernel decides to write out dirty memory. That can make checkpoints take minutes to commit in some cases, which basically stops all write traffic to your database entirely.
That should get you going, anyway. You still need more/better disks so you can move your pg_xlog directory. With your write load, that will make a huge difference.
Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604
See http://www.peak6.com/email_disclaimer/ for terms and conditions related to this email
Okay, now I'm done the updating as described above. I did the postgres.conf changes. I did the kernel changes, i added two SSD's in a software RAID1 where the pg_xlog is now located - unfortunately the the picture is still the same :-(
When the database is under "heavy" load, there is almost no improvement to see in the performance compared to before the changes. A lot of both read and writes takes more than a 1000 times as long as they usually do, under "lighter" overall load.

I added All the overview charts I can get hold on from new relic beneath. What am I overlooking? There must be an obvious bottleneck? Where should I dive in?

Database server CPU usage

Database server load average

Database server physical memory

Database server disk I/O utulization

Database server network I/O (Mb/s)

Top 5 database operations by wall clock time

Database throughput

Database response time
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Kevin Grittner
2012-11-28 14:51:26 UTC
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
PS. I'm on postgres 9.2 on a server with 32gb ram, 8 cores and
two 3T disks in a software raid 1 setup.
In addtion to the excellent advice from Shaun, I would like to
point out a few other things.

One query runs on one core. In a test of a single query, the other
seven cores aren't doing anything. Be sure to pay attention to how
a representative workload is handled.

Unless you have tuned your postgresql.conf settings, you probably
aren't taking very good advantage of that RAM.

For heavy load you need lots of spindles and a good RAID controller
with battery-backed cache configured for write-back.

You will probably benefit from reading this page:


If you don't already have it, you will probably find Greg Smith's
book on PostgreSQL performance a great investment:


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Kevin Grittner
2012-11-30 01:24:26 UTC
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Okay, now I'm done the updating as described above. I did the
postgres.conf changes. I did the kernel changes, i added two
SSD's in a software RAID1 where the pg_xlog is now located -
unfortunately the the picture is still the same :-(
You said before that you were seeing high disk wait numbers. Now it
is zero accourding to your disk utilization graph. That sounds like
a change to me.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
When the database is under "heavy" load, there is almost no
improvement to see in the performance compared to before the
In client-visible response time and throughput, I assume, not
resource usage numbers?
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
A lot of both read and writes takes more than a 1000 times as
long as they usually do, under "lighter" overall load.
As an odd coincidence, you showed your max_connections setting to
be 1000.


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Niels Kristian Schjødt
2012-11-30 01:43:00 UTC
Post by Kevin Grittner
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Okay, now I'm done the updating as described above. I did the
postgres.conf changes. I did the kernel changes, i added two
SSD's in a software RAID1 where the pg_xlog is now located -
unfortunately the the picture is still the same :-(
You said before that you were seeing high disk wait numbers. Now it
is zero accourding to your disk utilization graph. That sounds like
a change to me.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
When the database is under "heavy" load, there is almost no
improvement to see in the performance compared to before the
In client-visible response time and throughput, I assume, not
resource usage numbers?
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
A lot of both read and writes takes more than a 1000 times as
long as they usually do, under "lighter" overall load.
As an odd coincidence, you showed your max_connections setting to
be 1000.
Hehe, I'm sorry if it somehow was misleading, I just wrote "a lot of I/O" it was CPU I/O, it also states that in the chart in the link.
However, as I'm not very familiar with these deep down database and server things, I had no idea wether a disk bottle neck could hide in this I/O, so i went along with Shauns great help, that unfortunately didn't solve my issues.
Back to the issue: Could it be that it is the fact that I'm using ubuntus built in software raid to raid my disks, and that it is not at all capable of handling the throughput?
Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-***@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:
Niels Kristian Schjødt
2012-11-30 02:32:31 UTC
Hmm I'm getting suspicious here. Maybe my new great setup with the SSD's is not really working as it should., and maybe new relic is not monitoring as It should.

If I do a "sudo iostat -k 1"
I get a lot of output like this:
Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
sda 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdb 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdc 546.00 2296.00 6808.00 2296 6808
sdd 593.00 1040.00 7416.00 1040 7416
md1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md2 1398.00 3328.00 13064.00 3328 13064
md3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0

The storage thing is, that the sda and sdb is the SSD drives and the sdc and sdd is the HDD drives. The md0, md1 and md2 is the raid arrays on the HDD's and the md3 is the raid on the SSD's. Neither of the md3 or the SSD's are getting utilized - and I should expect that since they are serving my pg_xlog right? - so maybe I did something wrong in the setup. Here is the path I followed:

# 1) First setup the SSD drives in a software RAID1 setup:
# http://askubuntu.com/questions/223194/setup-of-two-additional-ssd-drives-in-raid-1
# 2) Then move the postgres pg_xlog dir
# sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 stop
# sudo mkdir -p /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo chown -R postgres.postgres /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo chmod 700 /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo cp -rf /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog/* /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog_old
# sudo ln -s /ssd/pg_xlog /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog
# sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 start

Can you spot something wrong?
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Post by Kevin Grittner
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Okay, now I'm done the updating as described above. I did the
postgres.conf changes. I did the kernel changes, i added two
SSD's in a software RAID1 where the pg_xlog is now located -
unfortunately the the picture is still the same :-(
You said before that you were seeing high disk wait numbers. Now it
is zero accourding to your disk utilization graph. That sounds like
a change to me.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
When the database is under "heavy" load, there is almost no
improvement to see in the performance compared to before the
In client-visible response time and throughput, I assume, not
resource usage numbers?
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
A lot of both read and writes takes more than a 1000 times as
long as they usually do, under "lighter" overall load.
As an odd coincidence, you showed your max_connections setting to
be 1000.
Hehe, I'm sorry if it somehow was misleading, I just wrote "a lot of I/O" it was CPU I/O, it also states that in the chart in the link.
However, as I'm not very familiar with these deep down database and server things, I had no idea wether a disk bottle neck could hide in this I/O, so i went along with Shauns great help, that unfortunately didn't solve my issues.
Back to the issue: Could it be that it is the fact that I'm using ubuntus built in software raid to raid my disks, and that it is not at all capable of handling the throughput?
Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-***@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:
Vitalii Tymchyshyn
2012-11-30 08:37:54 UTC
Actually, what's the point in putting logs to ssd? SSDs are good for random
access and logs are accessed sequentially. I'd put table spaces on ssd and
leave logs on hdd
30 лОст. 2012 04:33, "Niels Kristian SchjÞdt" <***@autouncle.com>
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Hmm I'm getting suspicious here. Maybe my new great setup with the SSD's
is not really working as it should., and maybe new relic is not monitoring
as It should.
If I do a "sudo iostat -k 1"
Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
sda 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdb 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdc 546.00 2296.00 6808.00 2296 6808
sdd 593.00 1040.00 7416.00 1040 7416
md1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md2 1398.00 3328.00 13064.00 3328 13064
md3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
The storage thing is, that the sda and sdb is the SSD drives and the sdc
and sdd is the HDD drives. The md0, md1 and md2 is the raid arrays on the
HDD's and the md3 is the raid on the SSD's. Neither of the md3 or the SSD's
are getting utilized - and I should expect that since they are serving my
pg_xlog right? - so maybe I did something wrong in the setup. Here is the
# 2) Then move the postgres pg_xlog dir
# sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 stop
# sudo mkdir -p /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo chown -R postgres.postgres /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo chmod 700 /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo cp -rf /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog/* /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog
# sudo ln -s /ssd/pg_xlog /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog
# sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 start
Can you spot something wrong?
Den 30/11/2012 kl. 02.43 skrev Niels Kristian SchjÞdt <
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Post by Kevin Grittner
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Okay, now I'm done the updating as described above. I did the
postgres.conf changes. I did the kernel changes, i added two
SSD's in a software RAID1 where the pg_xlog is now located -
unfortunately the the picture is still the same :-(
You said before that you were seeing high disk wait numbers. Now it
is zero accourding to your disk utilization graph. That sounds like
a change to me.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
When the database is under "heavy" load, there is almost no
improvement to see in the performance compared to before the
In client-visible response time and throughput, I assume, not
resource usage numbers?
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
A lot of both read and writes takes more than a 1000 times as
long as they usually do, under "lighter" overall load.
As an odd coincidence, you showed your max_connections setting to
be 1000.
Hehe, I'm sorry if it somehow was misleading, I just wrote "a lot of
I/O" it was CPU I/O, it also states that in the chart in the link.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
However, as I'm not very familiar with these deep down database and
server things, I had no idea wether a disk bottle neck could hide in this
I/O, so i went along with Shauns great help, that unfortunately didn't
solve my issues.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Back to the issue: Could it be that it is the fact that I'm using
ubuntus built in software raid to raid my disks, and that it is not at all
capable of handling the throughput?
Mark Kirkwood
2012-11-30 09:19:27 UTC
Most modern SSD are much faster for fsync type operations than a
spinning disk - similar performance to spinning disk + writeback raid
controller + battery.

However as you mention, they are great at random IO too, so Niels, it
might be worth putting your postgres logs *and* data on the SSDs and


Post by Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Actually, what's the point in putting logs to ssd? SSDs are good for
random access and logs are accessed sequentially. I'd put table spaces
on ssd and leave logs on hdd
30 лист. 2012 04:33, "Niels Kristian Schjødt"
Hmm I'm getting suspicious here. Maybe my new great setup with the
SSD's is not really working as it should., and maybe new relic is
not monitoring as It should.
If I do a "sudo iostat -k 1"
Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
sda 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdb 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdc 546.00 2296.00 6808.00 2296 6808
sdd 593.00 1040.00 7416.00 1040 7416
md1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md2 1398.00 3328.00 13064.00 3328 13064
md3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
The storage thing is, that the sda and sdb is the SSD drives and the
sdc and sdd is the HDD drives. The md0, md1 and md2 is the raid
arrays on the HDD's and the md3 is the raid on the SSD's. Neither of
the md3 or the SSD's are getting utilized - and I should expect that
since they are serving my pg_xlog right? - so maybe I did something
# 2) Then move the postgres pg_xlog dir
# sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 stop
# sudo mkdir -p /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo chown -R postgres.postgres /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo chmod 700 /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo cp -rf /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog/* /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog
# sudo ln -s /ssd/pg_xlog /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog
# sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 start
Can you spot something wrong?
Den 30/11/2012 kl. 02.43 skrev Niels Kristian Schjødt
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Post by Kevin Grittner
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Okay, now I'm done the updating as described above. I did the
postgres.conf changes. I did the kernel changes, i added two
SSD's in a software RAID1 where the pg_xlog is now located -
unfortunately the the picture is still the same :-(
You said before that you were seeing high disk wait numbers. Now it
is zero accourding to your disk utilization graph. That sounds like
a change to me.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
When the database is under "heavy" load, there is almost no
improvement to see in the performance compared to before the
In client-visible response time and throughput, I assume, not
resource usage numbers?
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
A lot of both read and writes takes more than a 1000 times as
long as they usually do, under "lighter" overall load.
As an odd coincidence, you showed your max_connections setting to
be 1000.
Hehe, I'm sorry if it somehow was misleading, I just wrote "a lot
of I/O" it was CPU I/O, it also states that in the chart in the link.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
However, as I'm not very familiar with these deep down database
and server things, I had no idea wether a disk bottle neck could
hide in this I/O, so i went along with Shauns great help, that
unfortunately didn't solve my issues.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Back to the issue: Could it be that it is the fact that I'm using
ubuntus built in software raid to raid my disks, and that it is not
at all capable of handling the throughput?
Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list
Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-***@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:
Vitalii Tymchyshyn
2012-11-30 10:07:53 UTC
Oh, yes. I don't imagine DB server without RAID+BBU :)
When there is no BBU, SSD can be handy.
But you know, SSD is worse in linear read/write than HDD.

Best regards, Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Most modern SSD are much faster for fsync type operations than a spinning
disk - similar performance to spinning disk + writeback raid controller +
However as you mention, they are great at random IO too, so Niels, it
might be worth putting your postgres logs *and* data on the SSDs and
Post by Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Actually, what's the point in putting logs to ssd? SSDs are good for
random access and logs are accessed sequentially. I'd put table spaces
on ssd and leave logs on hdd
30 лОст. 2012 04:33, "Niels Kristian SchjÞdt"
Hmm I'm getting suspicious here. Maybe my new great setup with the
SSD's is not really working as it should., and maybe new relic is
not monitoring as It should.
If I do a "sudo iostat -k 1"
Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
sda 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdb 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdc 546.00 2296.00 6808.00 2296 6808
sdd 593.00 1040.00 7416.00 1040 7416
md1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md2 1398.00 3328.00 13064.00 3328 13064
md3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
The storage thing is, that the sda and sdb is the SSD drives and the
sdc and sdd is the HDD drives. The md0, md1 and md2 is the raid
arrays on the HDD's and the md3 is the raid on the SSD's. Neither of
the md3 or the SSD's are getting utilized - and I should expect that
since they are serving my pg_xlog right? - so maybe I did something
# 2) Then move the postgres pg_xlog dir
# sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 stop
# sudo mkdir -p /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo chown -R postgres.postgres /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo chmod 700 /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo cp -rf /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/**pg_xlog/* /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/**pg_xlog
# sudo ln -s /ssd/pg_xlog /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/**pg_xlog
# sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 start
Can you spot something wrong?
Den 30/11/2012 kl. 02.43 skrev Niels Kristian SchjÞdt
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Post by Kevin Grittner
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Okay, now I'm done the updating as described above. I did the
postgres.conf changes. I did the kernel changes, i added two
SSD's in a software RAID1 where the pg_xlog is now located -
unfortunately the the picture is still the same :-(
You said before that you were seeing high disk wait numbers. Now
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Post by Kevin Grittner
is zero accourding to your disk utilization graph. That sounds
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Post by Kevin Grittner
a change to me.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
When the database is under "heavy" load, there is almost no
improvement to see in the performance compared to before the
In client-visible response time and throughput, I assume, not
resource usage numbers?
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
A lot of both read and writes takes more than a 1000 times as
long as they usually do, under "lighter" overall load.
As an odd coincidence, you showed your max_connections setting to
be 1000.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Post by Kevin Grittner
Hehe, I'm sorry if it somehow was misleading, I just wrote "a lot
of I/O" it was CPU I/O, it also states that in the chart in the link.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
However, as I'm not very familiar with these deep down database
and server things, I had no idea wether a disk bottle neck could
hide in this I/O, so i went along with Shauns great help, that
unfortunately didn't solve my issues.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Back to the issue: Could it be that it is the fact that I'm using
ubuntus built in software raid to raid my disks, and that it is not
at all capable of handling the throughput?
Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Best regards,
Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Mark Kirkwood
2012-11-30 22:43:04 UTC
Hmm - not strictly true as stated: 1 SSD will typically do 500MB/s
sequential read/write. 1 HDD will be lucky to get a 1/3 that.

We are looking at replacing 4 to 6 disk RAID10 arrays of HDD with a
RAID1 pair of SSD, as they perform about the same for sequential work
and vastly better at random. Plus they only use 2x 2.5" slots (or, ahem
2x PCIe sockets), so allow smaller form factor servers and save on power
and cooling.


Post by Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Oh, yes. I don't imagine DB server without RAID+BBU :)
When there is no BBU, SSD can be handy.
But you know, SSD is worse in linear read/write than HDD.
Best regards, Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Most modern SSD are much faster for fsync type operations than a
spinning disk - similar performance to spinning disk + writeback
raid controller + battery.
However as you mention, they are great at random IO too, so Niels,
it might be worth putting your postgres logs *and* data on the SSDs
and retesting.
Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-***@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:
Vitalii Tymchyshyn
2012-12-02 11:14:24 UTC
Well, it seems that my data can be outdated, sorry for that. I've just
checked performance numbers on Tom's hardware and it seems that best sad
really do 500 MB/s. Some others do 100. So, I'd say one must choose wisely
(as always :-) ).

Best regards,
Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Post by Mark Kirkwood
Hmm - not strictly true as stated: 1 SSD will typically do 500MB/s
sequential read/write. 1 HDD will be lucky to get a 1/3 that.
We are looking at replacing 4 to 6 disk RAID10 arrays of HDD with a RAID1
pair of SSD, as they perform about the same for sequential work and vastly
better at random. Plus they only use 2x 2.5" slots (or, ahem 2x PCIe
sockets), so allow smaller form factor servers and save on power and
Post by Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Oh, yes. I don't imagine DB server without RAID+BBU :)
When there is no BBU, SSD can be handy.
But you know, SSD is worse in linear read/write than HDD.
Best regards, Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Most modern SSD are much faster for fsync type operations than a
spinning disk - similar performance to spinning disk + writeback
raid controller + battery.
However as you mention, they are great at random IO too, so Niels,
it might be worth putting your postgres logs *and* data on the SSDs
and retesting.
Mark Kirkwood
2012-12-02 23:34:19 UTC
Yeah, this area is changing very fast!

I agree - choosing carefully is important, as there are still plenty of
older models around that are substantially slower. Also choice of
motherboard chipset can strongly effect overall performance too. The 6
Gbit/s ports on Sandy and Ivy bridge Mobos [1] seem to get close to that
rated performance out of the SSD that I've tested (Crucial m4, Intel



[1] Which I think are actually Intel or Marvell controllers.
Post by Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Well, it seems that my data can be outdated, sorry for that. I've just
checked performance numbers on Tom's hardware and it seems that best sad
really do 500 MB/s. Some others do 100. So, I'd say one must choose wisely
(as always :-) ).
Best regards,
Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Post by Mark Kirkwood
Hmm - not strictly true as stated: 1 SSD will typically do 500MB/s
sequential read/write. 1 HDD will be lucky to get a 1/3 that.
We are looking at replacing 4 to 6 disk RAID10 arrays of HDD with a RAID1
pair of SSD, as they perform about the same for sequential work and vastly
better at random. Plus they only use 2x 2.5" slots (or, ahem 2x PCIe
sockets), so allow smaller form factor servers and save on power and
Post by Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Oh, yes. I don't imagine DB server without RAID+BBU :)
When there is no BBU, SSD can be handy.
But you know, SSD is worse in linear read/write than HDD.
Best regards, Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Most modern SSD are much faster for fsync type operations than a
spinning disk - similar performance to spinning disk + writeback
raid controller + battery.
However as you mention, they are great at random IO too, so Niels,
it might be worth putting your postgres logs *and* data on the SSDs
and retesting.
Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-***@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:
Willem Leenen
2012-11-30 10:14:15 UTC
Actually, what's the point in putting logs to ssd? SSDs are good for random access and logs are accessed sequentially. I'd put table spaces on ssd and leave logs on hdd

30 ¬Ý¬Ú¬ã¬ä. 2012 04:33, "Niels Kristian Schj©ªdt" <***@autouncle.com> ¬ß¬Ñ¬á¬Ú¬ã.

Because SSD's are considered faster. Then you have to put the most phyisical IO intensive operations on SSD. For the majority of databases, these are the logfiles. But you should investigate where the optimum is for your situation.
Vitalii Tymchyshyn
2012-11-30 10:31:52 UTC
SSDs are not faster for sequential IO as I know. That's why (with BBU or
synchronious_commit=off) I prefer to have logs on regular HDDs.

Best reag
Post by Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Actually, what's the point in putting logs to ssd? SSDs are good for
random access and logs are accessed sequentially. I'd put table spaces on
ssd and leave logs on hdd
30 лОст. 2012 04:33, "Niels Kristian SchjÞdt" <
Because SSD's are considered faster. Then you have to put the most
phyisical IO intensive operations on SSD. For the majority of databases,
these are the logfiles. But you should investigate where the optimum is for
your situation.
Best regards,
Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Shaun Thomas
2012-11-30 14:06:48 UTC
Post by Vitalii Tymchyshyn
Actually, what's the point in putting logs to ssd? SSDs are good for
random access and logs are accessed sequentially.
While this is true, Niels' problem is that his regular HDs are getting
saturated. In that case, moving any activity off of them is an improvement.

Why not move the data to the SSDs, you ask? Because he bought two 3TB
drives. The assumption here is that a 256GB SSD will not have enough
space for the long-term lifespan of this database.

Either way, based on the iostat activity he posted, clearly there's some
other write stream happening we're not privy to.
Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604


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Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-***@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:
Mark Kirkwood
2012-11-30 09:38:48 UTC
When I try your command sequence I end up with the contents of the new
pg_xlog owned by root. Postgres will not start:

PANIC: could not open file "pg_xlog/000000010000000600000080" (log file
6, segment 128): Permission denied

While this is fixable, I suspect you have managed to leave the xlogs
directory that postgres is actually using on the HDD drives.

When I do this I normally do:
$ service postgresql stop
$ sudo mkdir -p /ssd/pg_xlog
$ sudo chown -R postgres.postgres /ssd/pg_xlog
$ sudo chmod 700 /ssd/pg_xlog
$ sudo su - postgres
postgres $ mv /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog/* /ssd/pg_xlog
postgres $ rmdir /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog
postgres $ ln -s /ssd/pg_xlog /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog
postgres $ service postgresql start


Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Hmm I'm getting suspicious here. Maybe my new great setup with the SSD's is not really working as it should., and maybe new relic is not monitoring as It should.
If I do a "sudo iostat -k 1"
Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
sda 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdb 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdc 546.00 2296.00 6808.00 2296 6808
sdd 593.00 1040.00 7416.00 1040 7416
md1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md2 1398.00 3328.00 13064.00 3328 13064
md3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
# http://askubuntu.com/questions/223194/setup-of-two-additional-ssd-drives-in-raid-1
# 2) Then move the postgres pg_xlog dir
# sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 stop
# sudo mkdir -p /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo chown -R postgres.postgres /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo chmod 700 /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo cp -rf /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog/* /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog_old
# sudo ln -s /ssd/pg_xlog /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog
# sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 start
Can you spot something wrong?
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Post by Kevin Grittner
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Okay, now I'm done the updating as described above. I did the
postgres.conf changes. I did the kernel changes, i added two
SSD's in a software RAID1 where the pg_xlog is now located -
unfortunately the the picture is still the same :-(
You said before that you were seeing high disk wait numbers. Now it
is zero accourding to your disk utilization graph. That sounds like
a change to me.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
When the database is under "heavy" load, there is almost no
improvement to see in the performance compared to before the
In client-visible response time and throughput, I assume, not
resource usage numbers?
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
A lot of both read and writes takes more than a 1000 times as
long as they usually do, under "lighter" overall load.
As an odd coincidence, you showed your max_connections setting to
be 1000.
Hehe, I'm sorry if it somehow was misleading, I just wrote "a lot of I/O" it was CPU I/O, it also states that in the chart in the link.
However, as I'm not very familiar with these deep down database and server things, I had no idea wether a disk bottle neck could hide in this I/O, so i went along with Shauns great help, that unfortunately didn't solve my issues.
Back to the issue: Could it be that it is the fact that I'm using ubuntus built in software raid to raid my disks, and that it is not at all capable of handling the throughput?
Sent via pgsql-performance mailing list (pgsql-***@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:
Shaun Thomas
2012-11-30 14:02:39 UTC
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
If I do a "sudo iostat -k 1"
Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
sda 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdb 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdc 546.00 2296.00 6808.00 2296 6808
sdd 593.00 1040.00 7416.00 1040 7416
md1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md2 1398.00 3328.00 13064.00 3328 13064
md3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
The storage thing is, that the sda and sdb is the SSD drives and the
sdc and sdd is the HDD drives. The md0, md1 and md2 is the raid
arrays on the HDD's and the md3 is the raid on the SSD's. Neither of
the md3 or the SSD's are getting utilized - and I should expect that
since they are serving my pg_xlog right?
No, that's right. They are, but it would appear that the majority of
your traffic actually isn't due to transaction logs like I'd suspected.
If you get a chance, could you monitor the contents of:


Your main drives are getting way, way more writes than they should. 13MB
per second is ridiculous even under heavy write loads. Based on the TPS
count, you're basically saturating the ability of those two 3TB drives.
Those writes have to be coming from somewhere.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
# sudo mkdir -p /ssd/pg_xlog
This is going to sound stupid, but are you *sure* the SSD is mounted at
/ssd ?
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
# sudo chown -R postgres.postgres /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo chmod 700 /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo cp -rf /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog/* /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog_old
# sudo ln -s /ssd/pg_xlog /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog
# sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 start
The rest of this is fine, except that you probably should have added:

sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /ssd/pg_xlog/*

Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604


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Niels Kristian Schjødt
2012-11-30 14:48:57 UTC
Post by Shaun Thomas
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
If I do a "sudo iostat -k 1"
Device: tps kB_read/s kB_wrtn/s kB_read kB_wrtn
sda 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdb 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sdc 546.00 2296.00 6808.00 2296 6808
sdd 593.00 1040.00 7416.00 1040 7416
md1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
md2 1398.00 3328.00 13064.00 3328 13064
md3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
The storage thing is, that the sda and sdb is the SSD drives and the
sdc and sdd is the HDD drives. The md0, md1 and md2 is the raid
arrays on the HDD's and the md3 is the raid on the SSD's. Neither of
the md3 or the SSD's are getting utilized - and I should expect that
since they are serving my pg_xlog right?
Your main drives are getting way, way more writes than they should. 13MB per second is ridiculous even under heavy write loads. Based on the TPS count, you're basically saturating the ability of those two 3TB drives. Those writes have to be coming from somewhere.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
# sudo mkdir -p /ssd/pg_xlog
This is going to sound stupid, but are you *sure* the SSD is mounted at /ssd ?
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
# sudo chown -R postgres.postgres /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo chmod 700 /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo cp -rf /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog/* /ssd/pg_xlog
# sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog_old
# sudo ln -s /ssd/pg_xlog /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/pg_xlog
# sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.2 start
sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /ssd/pg_xlog/*
Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604
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Oh my, Shaun once again you nailed it! That's what you get from working too late in the night - I forgot to run 'sudo mount -a' I feel so embarrassed now :-( - In other words no the drive was not mounted to the /ssd dir.
So now it is, and this has gained me a performance increase of roughly around 20% - a little less than what I would have hoped for but still better - but anyways yes that's right.
I still see a lot of CPU I/O when doing a lot of writes, so the question is, what's next. Should I try and go' for the connection pooling thing or monitor that /var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/base/pgsql_tmp dir (and what exactly do you mean by monitor - size?)

PS. comment on the "Why not move the data to the SSDs" you are exactly right. i don't think the SSD's will be big enough for the data within a not too long timeframe, so that is exactly why I want to keep my data on the "big" drives.
PPS. I talked with New Relic and it turns out there is something wrong with the disk monitoring tool, so that's why there was nothing in the disk charts but iostat showed a lot of activity.
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Niels Kristian Schjødt
2012-11-30 15:44:33 UTC
Hmm very very interesting. Currently I run at "medium" load compared to the very high loads in the night.
This is what the CPU I/O on new relic show: https://rpm.newrelic.com/public/charts/8RnSOlWjfBy
And this is what iostat shows:

Linux 3.2.0-33-generic (master-db) 11/30/2012 _x86_64_ (8 CPU)

Device: rrqm/s wrqm/s r/s w/s rMB/s wMB/s avgrq-sz avgqu-sz await r_await w_await svctm %util
sda 0.00 3.46 26.62 57.06 1.66 0.68 57.41 0.04 0.43 0.77 0.28 0.09 0.73
sdb 0.03 16.85 0.01 70.26 0.00 2.35 68.36 0.06 0.81 0.21 0.81 0.10 0.73
sdc 1.96 56.37 25.45 172.56 0.53 3.72 43.98 30.83 155.70 25.15 174.96 1.74 34.46
sdd 1.83 56.52 25.48 172.42 0.52 3.72 43.90 30.50 154.11 25.66 173.09 1.74 34.37
md1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
md0 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.59 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
md2 0.00 0.00 54.14 227.94 1.05 3.72 34.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
md3 0.00 0.00 0.01 60.46 0.00 0.68 23.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

A little reminder md3 is the raid array of the ssd drives sda and sdb and the md0-2 is the array of the regular hdd drives sdc and sdd

The pgsql_tmp dir is not changing at all it's constantly empty (a size of 4.0K).

So It doesn't seem like the ssd drives is at all utilized but the regular drives certainly is. but now i know for sure that the /ssd is mounted correctly:

"sudo df /ssd"
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/md3 230619228 5483796 213420620 3% /ssd
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
I forgot to run 'sudo mount -a' I feel so embarrassed now :-( - In
other words no the drive was not mounted to the /ssd dir.
Yeah, that'll get ya.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
I still see a lot of CPU I/O when doing a lot of writes, so the
question is, what's next. Should I try and go' for the connection
pooling thing or monitor that
/var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main/base/pgsql_tmp dir (and what exactly do
you mean by monitor - size?)
Well, like Keven said, if you have more than a couple dozen connections on your hardware, you're losing TPS. It's probably a good idea to install pgbouncer or pgpool and let your clients connect to those instead. You should see a good performance boost from that.
But what concerns me is that your previous CPU charts showed a lot of iowait. Even with the SSD taking some of the load off your write stream, something else is going on, there. That's why you need to monitor the "size" in MB, or number of files, for the pgsql_tmp directory. That's where PG puts temp files when sorts are too big for your work_mem. If that's getting a ton of activity, that would explain some of your write overhead.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
PPS. I talked with New Relic and it turns out there is something
wrong with the disk monitoring tool, so that's why there was nothing
in the disk charts but iostat showed a lot of activity.
iostat -dmx
sar 1 100
Will give you a lot of info on what the CPU is doing. You want that %iowait column to be as low as possible.
Keep us updated.
Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604
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Ben Chobot
2012-11-30 19:57:07 UTC
I say that because you mentioned you're using Ubuntu 12.04, and we were
having some problems with PG on that platform. With shared_buffers over
4GB, it starts doing really weird things to the memory subsystem.
Whatever it does causes the kernel to purge cache rather aggressively.
We saw a 60% reduction in read IO by reducing shared_buffers to 4GB.
Without as many reads, your writes should be much less disruptive.
Hm, this sounds like something we should look into. Before we start digging do you have more to share, or did you leave it with the "huh, that's weird; this seems to fix it" solution?
Shaun Thomas
2012-11-30 20:01:45 UTC
Post by Ben Chobot
Hm, this sounds like something we should look into. Before we start
digging do you have more to share, or did you leave it with the "huh,
that's weird; this seems to fix it" solution?
We're still testing. We're still on the -31 kernel. We tried the -33
kernel which *might* fix it, but then this happened:


So now we're testing -34 which is currently proposed. Either way, it's
pretty clear that Ubuntu's choice of patches to backport is rather
eclectic and a little wonky, or that nailing down load calculations went
awry since the NOHZ stuff started, or both. At this point, I wish we'd
stayed on CentOS.
Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604


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Bruce Momjian
2012-11-30 20:38:38 UTC
Post by Shaun Thomas
Post by Ben Chobot
Hm, this sounds like something we should look into. Before we start
digging do you have more to share, or did you leave it with the "huh,
that's weird; this seems to fix it" solution?
We're still testing. We're still on the -31 kernel. We tried the -33
So now we're testing -34 which is currently proposed. Either way,
it's pretty clear that Ubuntu's choice of patches to backport is
rather eclectic and a little wonky, or that nailing down load
calculations went awry since the NOHZ stuff started, or both. At
this point, I wish we'd stayed on CentOS.
Or Debian. Not sure what would justify use of Ubuntu as a server,
except wanting to have the exact same OS as their personal computers.
Bruce Momjian <***@momjian.us> http://momjian.us
EnterpriseDB http://enterprisedb.com

+ It's impossible for everything to be true. +
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Shaun Thomas
2012-11-30 20:46:23 UTC
Post by Bruce Momjian
Or Debian. Not sure what would justify use of Ubuntu as a server,
except wanting to have the exact same OS as their personal computers.
Honestly not sure why we went that direction. I'm not in the sysadmin
group, though I do work with them pretty closely. I think it was because
of the LTS label, and the fact that the packages are quite a bit more
recent than Debian stable.

I can say however, that I'm testing the 3.4 kernel right now, and it
seems much better. I may be able to convince them to install that
instead if their own tests prove beneficial.
Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604


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Daniel Farina
2012-11-30 22:21:36 UTC
Post by Bruce Momjian
Or Debian. Not sure what would justify use of Ubuntu as a server,
except wanting to have the exact same OS as their personal computers.
We have switched from Debian to Ubuntu: there is definitely non-zero
value in the PPA hosting (although it's rather terrible in many ways),
regular LTS releases (even if you choose not to use them right away,
and know they are somewhat buggy at times), and working with AWS and
Canonical as organizations (that, most importantly, can interact
directly without my own organization) on certain issues. For example,
this dog of a bug:


I also frequently take advantage of Debian unstable for backporting of
specific packages that are very important to me, so there's a lot of
value to me in Ubuntu being quite similar to Debian. In fact, even
though I say we 'switched', it's not as though we re-did some
entrenched systems from Debian to Ubuntu -- rather, we employ both
systems at the same time and I don't recall gnashing of teeth about
that, because they are very similar. Yet, there is a clear Ubuntu
preference for new systems made today and, to wit, I can't think of
anyone with more than the most mild preference for Debian. Conversely,
I'd say the preference for Ubuntu for the aforementioned reasons is
clear but moderate at most.

Also, there's the similarity to the lap/desktop environment. Often
cited with some derision, yet it does add a lot of value, even if
people run slightly newer Ubuntus on their non-production computer.

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Mark Kirkwood
2012-11-30 22:36:34 UTC
Post by Daniel Farina
Post by Bruce Momjian
Or Debian. Not sure what would justify use of Ubuntu as a server,
except wanting to have the exact same OS as their personal computers.
We have switched from Debian to Ubuntu: there is definitely non-zero
value in the PPA hosting (although it's rather terrible in many ways),
regular LTS releases (even if you choose not to use them right away,
and know they are somewhat buggy at times), and working with AWS and
Canonical as organizations (that, most importantly, can interact
directly without my own organization) on certain issues. For example,
I also frequently take advantage of Debian unstable for backporting of
specific packages that are very important to me, so there's a lot of
value to me in Ubuntu being quite similar to Debian. In fact, even
though I say we 'switched', it's not as though we re-did some
entrenched systems from Debian to Ubuntu -- rather, we employ both
systems at the same time and I don't recall gnashing of teeth about
that, because they are very similar. Yet, there is a clear Ubuntu
preference for new systems made today and, to wit, I can't think of
anyone with more than the most mild preference for Debian. Conversely,
I'd say the preference for Ubuntu for the aforementioned reasons is
clear but moderate at most.
Also, there's the similarity to the lap/desktop environment. Often
cited with some derision, yet it does add a lot of value, even if
people run slightly newer Ubuntus on their non-production computer.

We have gone through pretty much the same process in the last couple of
years. Most of our new systems run Ubuntu, some Debian.

There is definitely value in running the "same" system on the desktop
too - often makes bug replication ridiculously easy (no having to find
the appropriate test environment, ask if I can hammer/punish/modify it
etc etc, and no need even spin up a VM).


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Niels Kristian Schjødt
2012-12-03 09:37:03 UTC
Just a note on your iostat numbers. The first reading is actually just a summary. You want the subsequent readings.
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
The pgsql_tmp dir is not changing at all it's constantly empty (a size of 4.0K).
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/md3 230619228 5483796 213420620 3% /ssd
shared_buffers = 7680MB
shared_buffers = 4GB
I say that because you mentioned you're using Ubuntu 12.04, and we were having some problems with PG on that platform. With shared_buffers over 4GB, it starts doing really weird things to the memory subsystem. Whatever it does causes the kernel to purge cache rather aggressively. We saw a 60% reduction in read IO by reducing shared_buffers to 4GB. Without as many reads, your writes should be much less disruptive.
You'll need to restart PG to adopt that change.
But I encourage you to keep iostat running in a terminal window so you can watch it for a while. It's very revealing.
Shaun Thomas
OptionsHouse | 141 W. Jackson Blvd. | Suite 500 | Chicago IL, 60604
See http://www.peak6.com/email_disclaimer/ for terms and conditions related to this email
Couldn't this be if you haven't changed these: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/kernel-resources.html ?
I have changed the following in my configuration:

kernel.shmmax = 8589934592 #(8GB)
kernel.shmall = 17179869184 #(16GB)
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Kevin Grittner
2012-11-30 12:03:59 UTC
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Post by Kevin Grittner
You said before that you were seeing high disk wait numbers. Now
it is zero accourding to your disk utilization graph. That
sounds like a change to me.
Hehe, I'm sorry if it somehow was misleading, I just wrote "a lot
of I/O" it was CPU I/O
Post by Kevin Grittner
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
A lot of both read and writes takes more than a 1000 times as
long as they usually do, under "lighter" overall load.
As an odd coincidence, you showed your max_connections setting
to be 1000.
Back to the issue: Could it be that it is the fact that I'm using
ubuntus built in software raid to raid my disks, and that it is
not at all capable of handling the throughput?
For high performance situations I would always use a high quality
RAID controller with battery-backed RAM configured for write-back;

The graphs you included suggest that your problem has nothing to do
with your storage system. Now maybe you didn't capture the data for
the graphs while the problem was occurring, in which case the
graphs would be absolutely useless; but based on what slim data you
have provided, you need a connection pool (like maybe pgbouncer
configured in transaction mode) to limit the number of database
connections used to something like twice the number of cores.

If you still have problems, pick the query which is using the most
time on your database server, and post it with the information
suggested on this page:


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Niels Kristian Schjødt
2012-11-30 13:31:34 UTC
Okay, So to understand this better before I go with that solution:
In theory what difference should it make to the performance, to have a pool in front of the database, that all my workers and web servers connect to instead of connecting directly? Where is the performance gain coming from in that situation?
Post by Kevin Grittner
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
Post by Kevin Grittner
You said before that you were seeing high disk wait numbers. Now
it is zero accourding to your disk utilization graph. That
sounds like a change to me.
Hehe, I'm sorry if it somehow was misleading, I just wrote "a lot
of I/O" it was CPU I/O
Post by Kevin Grittner
Post by Niels Kristian Schjødt
A lot of both read and writes takes more than a 1000 times as
long as they usually do, under "lighter" overall load.
As an odd coincidence, you showed your max_connections setting
to be 1000.
Back to the issue: Could it be that it is the fact that I'm using
ubuntus built in software raid to raid my disks, and that it is
not at all capable of handling the throughput?
For high performance situations I would always use a high quality
RAID controller with battery-backed RAM configured for write-back;
The graphs you included suggest that your problem has nothing to do
with your storage system. Now maybe you didn't capture the data for
the graphs while the problem was occurring, in which case the
graphs would be absolutely useless; but based on what slim data you
have provided, you need a connection pool (like maybe pgbouncer
configured in transaction mode) to limit the number of database
connections used to something like twice the number of cores.
If you still have problems, pick the query which is using the most
time on your database server, and post it with the information
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